Save at Fiddleheads
One of our most important goals at Fiddleheads is to enable you to purchase fresh, healthy, local and tasty food at an accessible and affordable price. To help you do this we've established multiple ways for you to save:
Fresh Deals |
Co-op Deals |
Co-op Basics |
Every week we offer multiple items on sale in our produce department. Often these selections are seasonal and they are always fresh and available to everyone. Find this weeks Fresh Deals here.
Co-op Deals change every couple of weeks and include items from some of your favorite natural and organic brands including Annie's, Organic Valley, Late July and Seventh Generation. You'll find Co-op Deals flyers in store and here on the website.
Co-op Basics are pantry staples that we are able to offer you at consistently low prices, often below the suggested retail price. By joining forces with other co-ops across the country we are able to leverage our buying power to help you save. - Look for the purple Co-op Basics logo on our shelves to hunt down these deals.
Become an Owner! |
Shop the Bulk Section |
Coupons |
One of the best ways to save at Fiddleheads is by investing in the co-op and joining our 3,000+ owners. When you become an owner you don't merely get to enjoy the knowledge that you're helping your community members, farmers and businesses become healthier and more stable you can also reap the rewards in the form of savings. Every quarter you have access to a Quarterly Coupon which allows you to take 10% off any transaction of your choice. As an owner you also receive the benefit of Owner Extras, savings on fresh produce that is reserved exclusively for you as an owner. Furthermore, as an owner you're eligible to save up to 15% off the purchase price of certain products when you order them by the case through our Pre Order and Save program.
Hundreds of items are available in our expansive Bulk section. From spices, herbs and teas to rice, pasta, granola and even dog treats you'll easily be able to gather the dry goods you need for a well stocked pantry. We welcome and encourage you to only purchase exactly how much product you need and by doing so you can prevent the waste of food you don't use and funds you don't need to spend. Plus, by using our minimal, recyclable paper bags or bringing your own containers for your bulk purchases, you save money otherwise spent on packaging costs.
Keep an eye out in the aisles for coupons on the shelves below some of your favorite items. Simply rip one off and hand it over to your cashier during checkout to redeem!