Board of Directors Duties
In accordance with the Fiddleheads Bylaws, the Board of Directors shall be composed of nine (9) Directors, elected from among Member-Owners of the Cooperative. Except for matters for which voting by the membership is required, the Board shall have full power to govern the Cooperative, including, but not limited to, hiring management and evaluating its performance, establishing compensation, if any, for the Board, and assuring that the mission of the Cooperative is carried out.
Specifically, in order to govern successfully, The Board of Directors will:
1) Create and sustain a meaningful relationship with member-owners.
2) Hire, compensate, delegate responsibility to, and hold accountable a General Manager. (See D. Board GM Relationship Policies) a. Use a strategic process to establish the value of GM compensation, and complete this process in a timely manner.
3) Have expectations in the form of written governing policies that realistically address the broadest levels of all organizational decisions and situations. We will write these policies in the form of Ends (Policy A1), Executive Limitations (Policy B, et seq.), Board Process (Policy C, et seq.) and Board-Management Relationship (Policy D, et seq.), as described in the Policy Governance principles.
4) Assign responsibility in a way that honors our commitment to empowerment and clear distinction of roles.
5) Rigorously monitor operational performance in the areas of Ends and Executive Limitations, and Board performance in the areas of Board Process and Board- Management Relationship.
6) Perpetuate the Board’s leadership capacity using ongoing education, training and recruitment.
7) Perform other duties as required by the bylaws or because of limitations on GM authority.
Please review the Board Policy Manual for more information regarding Ends Policies, Executive Limitations, the Board Process and the Board-Management Relationship.
Specifically, in order to govern successfully, The Board of Directors will:
1) Create and sustain a meaningful relationship with member-owners.
2) Hire, compensate, delegate responsibility to, and hold accountable a General Manager. (See D. Board GM Relationship Policies) a. Use a strategic process to establish the value of GM compensation, and complete this process in a timely manner.
3) Have expectations in the form of written governing policies that realistically address the broadest levels of all organizational decisions and situations. We will write these policies in the form of Ends (Policy A1), Executive Limitations (Policy B, et seq.), Board Process (Policy C, et seq.) and Board-Management Relationship (Policy D, et seq.), as described in the Policy Governance principles.
4) Assign responsibility in a way that honors our commitment to empowerment and clear distinction of roles.
5) Rigorously monitor operational performance in the areas of Ends and Executive Limitations, and Board performance in the areas of Board Process and Board- Management Relationship.
6) Perpetuate the Board’s leadership capacity using ongoing education, training and recruitment.
7) Perform other duties as required by the bylaws or because of limitations on GM authority.
Please review the Board Policy Manual for more information regarding Ends Policies, Executive Limitations, the Board Process and the Board-Management Relationship.